Carlson’s full interview can be watched below.

During a recent appearance on Prime Time with Alex Stein, well-known conservative podcaster and former Fox News host, Tucker Carlson had this to say about 9/11 and his past coverage of those who question the official narrative:
“I know that I and everyone else I knew just sort of went with the official explanation and not only didn’t question it but were very hostile to anyone who did. I was hostile to anyone who did. You know… ‘why are you… you’re crazy! You’re upsetting the survivors by asking questions!’ I said things like that. And I’m ashamed that I did, but I did, and so did everyone else that I knew.”
The subject of 9/11 came up while he was being questioned about his recent interview with alternative media mogul, Alex Jones. Carlson, who in the past year has spoken out in support of 9/11 truth, has become bolder in his public assertions that the official story doesn’t add up. 

In particular, the official story of how World Trade Center Building 7 fell that day.

“And moreover, the Building 7 stuff, I’m happy to believe it collapsed because it was hit with debris from the planes or whatever but… I don’t know… I’ve personally known a number of structural engineers who are like ‘that’s not true.’ Now, what is true? I don’t know… I have no evidence. I haven’t seen anybody placing satchel charges in the building… I don’t know. It’s all speculation. But it’s an entirely fair question… it is not crazy… to ask, ‘how did those buildings collapse in the way they did?… Particularly the building that was not hit by a plane?’ Like… what was that?”
Though Tucker Carlson has, by his own admission, not delved deeply into researching the World Trade Center evidence, our engineers have, and we can confidently answer his question regarding what it was— controlled demolition. 
At 5:20 in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, World Trade Center 7 suddenly and rapidly fell, despite not being hit by an airplane. While the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) later issued a report claiming that the high-rise came down solely because of random office fires, the observable evidence has shown otherwise. 

“I know that I and everyone else I knew just sort of went with the official explanation and not only didn’t question it but were very hostile to anyone who did. I was hostile to anyone who did. You know… ‘why are you… you’re crazy! You’re upsetting the survivors by asking questions!’ I said things like that. And I’m ashamed that I did, but I did, and so did everyone else that I knew.” - Tucker Carlson

In 2020, the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) issued its own report refuting NIST’s claims regarding why Building 7 fell, pointing out that it could only have come down in the way that it did if the exterior and interior columns of the building were removed within seconds of each other. While the UAF report doesn’t delve into the question of how this phenomenon could have occurred, its conclusions leave the use of pre-planted explosives as the only reasonable possibility.
Because of the polarized nature of American politics in the last several years, Tucker Carlson’s endorsement of our mission has been a point of controversy for some within our base of support. Carlson is a figure who has been maligned by the political left for his conversative views and unapologetic public commentary in support of them. 
However, AE911Truth is an apolitical organization willing to spotlight and accept the endorsement of any and all law-abiding public figures who express support for a new World Trade Center investigation, and we will continue to welcome and encourage anyone from either the political right or left who speaks in favor of our cause.  
Recently, we arranged for Dr. Leroy Hulsey, who authored the UAF report, to appear on the popular podcast of left-leaning comedian and political commentator, Jimmy Dore, to discuss the report’s findings.

 Trouble loading due to Deep State censorship? Watch on Rumble.
We hope this is the beginning of a renaissance in public discourse surrounding the World Trade Center issue.

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As engineers, we have a legal responsibility to guard the public’s safety.

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If you believe in the power of dedicated people and their ability to change the world, then please make a donation right now!

Thank you so much for your continued support and your willingness to stand with us! 



From Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth and filmmaker, Dylan Avery comes this short documentary that is both hauntingly beautiful in its presentation and startlingly grim in its revelations. 

Join civil engineer, Jonathan Cole through an informational odyssey as he revisits the controversy surrounding the impossible destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 on September 11th 2001, and how his research, along with the research of others, has pulled the rug out from under the conclusions offered by the federal government on why those three buildings ultimately failed. 

Through Cole's testimony, and that of mechanical engineer, Tony Szamboti, a dark picture comes into focus that demonstrates that not only is the official story of what killed so many people on America's darkest day provably false but that the federal government actively and willfully turned a blind eye to the observable facts during its unscientific investigation of the building collapses. 

In a little over twenty minutes, Thirty Seconds of Silence reveals more about the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11 than the media has revealed to the public in the over twenty years since the event took place.