For more than a decade and a half, millions of people throughout the world have been educated about the World Trade Center evidence and inspired to take action.

We at AE911Truth have played our part in the worldwide movement for truth and justice by mounting various outreach campaigns aimed at building and technical professionals, government officials, and the general public. All of these efforts have caused the WTC evidence to be disseminated far and wide.

In an era when politicians and journalists — even those considered “independent” — have flagrantly turned their backs on the truth about the most important event of the 21st century, the responsibility for raising awareness has fallen on the shoulders of people like you. Thanks to all of our efforts, the official narrative no longer has the foothold it once had in the collective mind of our society.

Several hundred activists have volunteered for AE911Truth over the years, rolling up their sleeves to answer the call. As the stakes become higher with each passing year, our need for hardworking, dedicated volunteers grows. Will you join us?

By giving just a few hours a week, you can make a vital difference for AE911Truth and move the 9/11 Truth Movement one step closer to achieving the watershed moment of realization we’ve all been working toward.

Currently, we’re seeking more volunteers to help us in the following areas:

Phone Outreach

We’ve recently been making great strides in conducting outreach to architectural firms and other groups of technical professionals in order to schedule virtual and live presentations for Richard Gage. Additionally, with the recent launch of Project Due Diligence, a team of three-dozen engineers will be making presentations to engineering firms and to chapters of engineering associations.

The beauty of this outreach work is that you don’t have to make the technical arguments yourself. You’re simply paving the way for one of our experts to present the facts to architects and engineers who haven’t yet heard the evidence. You will receive training and support from AE911Truth staff so that you have all the tools you need to be successful and enjoy the satisfaction of getting a presentation scheduled. In addition, there will be other opportunities for you to conduct other forms of outreach over the phone.

Requirements: Extrovert personality and confidence, pleasant disposition, and willingness to take direction. Availability to volunteer during at least one weekday per week. Access to and understanding of Microsoft Excel a plus, though not required.

Data Collection

In order to reach out to professionals and other target groups, we first need to know who they are and how to contact them. That’s where the volunteers who take on the important task of data collection come in. As a data collector, you will receive assignments to gather information from publicly available sources. This is the perfect volunteer job if you have only a few hours a week to donate — it can be done at any time of day or night — and if you like to work alone on research-oriented tasks.

Requirements: Internet access. Access to and basic understanding of Microsoft Excel. Hunger and determination to track down information.

Verifications Team

With our list of petition signers growing every day, the responsibility for verifying the credentials and identities of new signatories is one of the most important jobs at AE911Truth. By taking on this job, you are ensuring the credibility of our petition and of the people who have stepped up and added their name to the call for a new investigation.

Requirements: Internet access. Willingness to take direction. Basic understanding of Microsoft Excel. High comfort level working with computer database systems.

Presenters Team

With the recent launch of Project Due Diligence, AE911Truth is on the lookout for fresh faces with structural or civil engineering backgrounds who can present the WTC evidence to engineering firms and professional engineering groups in their regions. This is an especially important job, because you would be participating in one of our key strategic initiatives and may be the very first contact that a building professional has with AE911Truth.

Requirements: A college degree and professional experience in civil or structural engineering. Willingness to take direction. Must be an engineer signatory of AE911Truth’s petition. Comfort with public speaking and with fielding questions. Dedication to studying training materials in order to develop expertise on the relevant technical issues. Ability to stay on topic in public discussions.

Writing Team

AE911Truth’s writers not only produce the articles that we feature in the news section of our website, they also assist in drafting outreach communications for staff and other volunteers and in typing out transcripts when needed. If you have good writing skills and can work as part of a team, then we would like to hear from you.

Requirements: Professional writing skills. Creativity. Ability to take direction and accept edits from staff. Ability to produce good copy on assigned subjects, including interviews. Background in journalism or corporate writing helpful but not mandatory.

Video Editors

From time to time, AE911Truth may need assistance editing our videos. That’s when we call on our volunteer video editors. If you have the experience and software needed to help us with this important duty, you could be one of the people we enlist.

Requirements: Video editing experience. Creativity. Your own video editing software. Willingness to take direction.

If you feel that any of the jobs listed above is the right one for you, click the link below and fill out our volunteer form. Please indicate on the form the job you’re interested in, and we’ll be in touch with you soon.

Volunteer button 768

Thanks for all you’ve done and will continue to do for the cause of 9/11 Truth.

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Zach Vorhies: Artificial intelligence could expose lies in official narratives

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We have now released the next chapter of AE911Truth Chairman, Roland Angle’s work in progress, Engineering the 9/11 Cover-Up: How the WTC Evidence was Kept Secret from the World. Today, we are releasing the fourth chapter!

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Integrity: doing the right thing when no one is watching

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Sticking up for those who don’t believe the government’s narrative of the events.

AE911Truth’s Scientific Integrity Act would force government reports to be true

How many Americans realize that their own government is allowed to publish scientific reports that are false? And how many know that this is the case even with scientific data that the government knows to be false.

As engineers, we have a legal responsibility to guard the public’s safety.

We are a small non-profit taking on a tremendous issue, and we need your support to help fund these efforts.

If you believe in the power of dedicated people and their ability to change the world, then please make a donation right now!

Thank you so much for your continued support and your willingness to stand with us! 



From Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth and filmmaker, Dylan Avery comes this short documentary that is both hauntingly beautiful in its presentation and startlingly grim in its revelations. 

Join civil engineer, Jonathan Cole through an informational odyssey as he revisits the controversy surrounding the impossible destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 on September 11th 2001, and how his research, along with the research of others, has pulled the rug out from under the conclusions offered by the federal government on why those three buildings ultimately failed. 

Through Cole's testimony, and that of mechanical engineer, Tony Szamboti, a dark picture comes into focus that demonstrates that not only is the official story of what killed so many people on America's darkest day provably false but that the federal government actively and willfully turned a blind eye to the observable facts during its unscientific investigation of the building collapses. 

In a little over twenty minutes, Thirty Seconds of Silence reveals more about the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11 than the media has revealed to the public in the over twenty years since the event took place.