Reaching a lot of people at the least expense is a challenge every non-profit organization faces. But when that non-profit dares to question institutions that defend the status quo, like governments and the mainstream media, the challenges are multiplied.

This is why Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth has secured professional advice about social media — notably Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube — in order to expand its ability to reach potential supporters and to disseminate the irrefutable scientific evidence that World Trade Center towers 1, 2, and 7 were brought down in controlled demolitions on September 11, 2001.

Indeed, the numbers tell us that the effort is going very well. AE911Truth's Facebook page, created in 2009, recently passed a quarter-million "likes" — about 125,000 of those coming in the last year alone.

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The rapid growth of these numbers has a lot to do with the increasing importance the group has placed on social media, according to the man at the helm of this effort, social media and marketing director Jeff Long.

"Non-profits don't realize what a powerful tool they have," Long asserts, adding that a poorly chosen Twitter or Facebook post can do great damage to the reputation of an organization.

Long says it is essential that AE911Truth produce a professional-looking page with engaging graphics and compelling text — all offering valuable information about the group and about the evidence it presents.

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"We have to look as good as the organizations we are up against, like NIST [the National Institute of Standards and Technology]," he says. "We're fighting the perception of the 'conspiracy theory' tag."

Facebook offers AE911Truth an opportunity to post fresh updates on what the group is doing as well as other information that may go a bit beyond the evidence for controlled demolition of the towers.

"To attract more people, we have to offer more content, and I think people appreciate a wider context of information," Long contends.

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In rare cases, AE911Truth will go beyond its primary mandate (investigating the destruction of the three WTC towers) on its website, notably with a very popular series of articles by Frances Shure that deals with why people resist learning about the clear evidence that the 9/11 official story cannot be true.

In addition to offering fans a relief valve to vent about the 9/11 Truth effort, social media gets information to people more quickly than traditional models, and the use of images is well suited to this, says Long.

"The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text," he explains. "Statistics show that people scrolling through Twitter posts will stop on an image. We treat 'memes' as billboards."

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Besides keeping the public updated about AE911Truth specifically and 9/11 Truth in general, the key purpose of its Facebook page is to direct people to the main website, where they can sign up for email updates on the organization's activities and initiatives, sign the petition for a new investigation, take action, donate, and browse the online store. Long notes that the database of email addresses can be used to send targeted messages notifying followers about upcoming events or actions in their city or region.

The way Long sees it, social media dovetails with AE911Truth's multi-faceted ways of reaching people — ways that include articles and FAQs on the website, documentaries available on its YouTube channel and as DVDs, publicity campaigns like Rethink 9/11, presentations, letter-writing campaigns, and outreach utilizing comprehensive scientific publications to members of the academic and political communities.

"I'd like to think of us as a whistleblower site," Long says. "And we're blowing that whistle hard."

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How many Americans realize that their own government is allowed to publish scientific reports that are false? And how many know that this is the case even with scientific data that the government knows to be false.

As engineers, we have a legal responsibility to guard the public’s safety.

We are a small non-profit taking on a tremendous issue, and we need your support to help fund these efforts.

If you believe in the power of dedicated people and their ability to change the world, then please make a donation right now!

Thank you so much for your continued support and your willingness to stand with us! 



From Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth and filmmaker, Dylan Avery comes this short documentary that is both hauntingly beautiful in its presentation and startlingly grim in its revelations. 

Join civil engineer, Jonathan Cole through an informational odyssey as he revisits the controversy surrounding the impossible destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 on September 11th 2001, and how his research, along with the research of others, has pulled the rug out from under the conclusions offered by the federal government on why those three buildings ultimately failed. 

Through Cole's testimony, and that of mechanical engineer, Tony Szamboti, a dark picture comes into focus that demonstrates that not only is the official story of what killed so many people on America's darkest day provably false but that the federal government actively and willfully turned a blind eye to the observable facts during its unscientific investigation of the building collapses. 

In a little over twenty minutes, Thirty Seconds of Silence reveals more about the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11 than the media has revealed to the public in the over twenty years since the event took place.