Gage portrait 180In a few days, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth founder and 28-year architect Richard Gage, AIA, embarks on an intensive month-long speaking tour that is designed to illuminate Europeans on the facts of the destruction of the three World Trade Center skyscrapers on September 11, 2001.

Tour Dates 215 Europe smallArmed with unbiased expert analysis and eyewitness testimony, Gage exposes major flaws in the official 9/11 narrative, upon which a dubious perpetual war on terror and erosion of civil liberties across the globe has been predicated. Mounting death tolls, stratospheric military spending, and widespread government insolvency are prompting citizens of all countries to call for a closer examination of the evidence of the catastrophic events of 9/11 — events that have been the impetus for these planet-wide ills.
Gage is answering the call for a multi-nation tour that starts on an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, winds its way south to the Mediterranean Sea, heads back to another island in the Atlantic, and ends in a landlocked Eastern European country. He’ll make his presentation in unique venues that provide the opportunity for frank discussions about one of the most pivotal, controversial events in modern history.

11 April  |  Reykjavik, Iceland  |  University of Iceland

university of iceland front 

Though a small, sparsely populated country, Iceland is on the cutting edge of innovation in energy infrastructure, having almost totally weaned itself off fossil fuels. And it is once again economically prosperous, having rebounded strongly from unprecedented financial turmoil. "This success comes from being open to new ideas," says Simon Falkner, Europe Tour event coordinator in Reykjavik. Falkner calls the presentation's University of Iceland venue "the perfect platform for Gage to share new ideas, including the controversial WTC evidence with regard to 9/11."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Reykjavik event and/or have any questions, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. shortly before the scheduled day.

13 April  |  Copenhagen, Denmark  |  Radisson Blu Royal Hotel

 768 Royal Blu 911 truth

911truth dk 400

After having gone since the year 1848 without attacking any country, Denmark has, since the events of 9/11, been a party to attacks on four countries, participating in The War on Terror.

Government officials adopted their own version of the Patriot Act, called the Terror Law, and recently disclosed a $150 million plan to increase police and surveillance within the country. "Now we have a fear-based society," observes the Copenhagen event coordinator for the Europe Tour. "We cannot shift away from that until a real understanding of 9/11 is achieved. That is why we have been spreading 9/11 truth information for years on the internet, with street actions and Niels Harrit lectures, now also resulting in this historic visit to Denmark by AE911Truth."

Richard Gage will speak in Copenhagen on Monday the 13th of April 2015, at Radisson Blu Royal Hotel at 7 PM. Tickets cost 120, to buy tickets upfront and for updated information, go to the / 911 Truth Copenhagen event on Facebook, visit here to see pictures from street action events since 2008.

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Copenhagen event and/or have any questions, see the above contact information for details.

14 April  |  Berlin, Germany  |  Urania Berlin e.V.

Berlin 768 

Gage's arrival will undoubtedly be a welcome sight to Berliners, especially after a slew of recent reports questioning the integrity of Germany's mainstream media outlets. Because "Berlin is crowded with skeptical and open-minded people," says local event coordinator Tommy Hansen, the AE911Truth event presents a "great opportunity to support freedom of speech."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Berlin event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

16 April  |  Delft, Netherlands  |  Aula Auditorium, Delft University of Technology

768 Delft University      

Aula Auditorium newThe largest venue (1,000 seating capacity) on the AE911Truth 2015 Europe Tour is at Delft University of Technology. Architecturally ahead of its time when it was built in 1966, the university's Aula Auditorium still maintains its tradition of exhibiting global thought leadership. It hosted TEDx talks in 2013, and this year it will host the AE911Truth presentation.

With the main, 1,000-seat auditorium being already booked to capacity a week before the event and the sign-ups still rising on Facebook, it's safe to say that the four other available rooms with livestream video (totally another 1,000 seats) might be filled as well.

Delft 2011 300Since WWII, the Netherlands has tended to follow US and NATO policies, despite a strong and popular pacifistic movement in the early 1990s. Local event coordinator Wico Valk stresses the importance of bringing the facts of 9/11 to the fore: "We want to focus on the technical aspects of the collapses and to compare our findings in an open discussion with staff and students. Questions keep lingering around 9/11 because the official theory is causing a lot of doubt, which is why people fabricate conspiracy theories — out of lack of clarity and openness!"

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Delft event and/or if you have questions, see the event page on Facebook.

21 April  |  Totnes, UK  |  Totnes Town Hall, Market Square

768 Totnes

This civil parish has a rich history dating back to the 10th century, but its citizens are not stuck in the Dark Ages. On the contrary, the market town of Totnes has become a center for music and art, attracting a number of residents who have a fresh perspective and a Bohemian lifestyle. Town Hall, where Gage will be presenting his multimedia presentation, 9/11: Blueprint for Truth, is a perfect location for a refresher course on and open discourse about the truth of 9/11. It has been made available thanks to the efforts of local event coordinator Dr. Stephen Hopwood.

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Totnes event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

24 April  |  Bloomsbury, London, UK  |  Bloomsbury Baptist Church

768 Bloomsbury Baptist Church

Bloomsbury is noted for its numerous academic, health care, and cultural institutions. It was also, famously, the home of modernist writer Virginia Woolf. Unlike Woolf's novels, though, Gage's presentation of the destruction of the three WTC towers will not be weaving any elaborate fictions. Rather, he will show how the only fiction of that event is promulgated by the US government, including its Department of Commerce arm, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. NIST claims that "normal office fires" caused 47-story WTC 7 to come down symmetrically, at free-fall, in under seven seconds.

Show of hands 911 new 

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Bloomsburg event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

25 April | Newbury, UK | Newbury Town Hall

768 Newbury UK

According to Douglas Hilton, the Europe Tour's UK driver and event coordinator, "Newbury draws the sharpest minds from around the world to fuel a largely knowledge-based economy, as many high-tech, media, logistical and research businesses headquarter nearby. AE911Truth needs to be here, too."

Cambridge University txt

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Newbury event, check the Keep Talking forum shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.      

26 April  |  Frome, UK  |  Frome Westway Cinema

768 Frome

When Gage presents the WTC evidence at the Frome Westway Cinema, the audience won't be asked to suspend disbelief. Instead, his no-nonsense, just-the-facts approach will poke convincing holes in the official story. This will be the first time that most residents of this historic city will hear the message of 9/11 Truth, says Frome event coordinator Sheila Coombs. She believes they will be swayed by the convincing evidence of controlled demolition of all three towers. "Then," she notes, "they will have to wrestle with the implications of these facts. That is the hardest part.”

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Frome event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.    

27 April  |  Brussels, Belgium  |  Brussels WSP Cultural Centrum

768 Brussels

No tour of Europe would be complete without a stop in its de facto capital, Brussels. The Belgian Federal Parliament passed the Belgium Anti-Terrorism Act in 2003, and officials intend to extend its reach as they react to a recent shoot-out between gunmen and police. Given that backdrop, Europe Tour event coordinator Jean-Luc Guilmot declares that he and fellow 9/11 Truth activists "are honored to host Mr. Gage for the second time in Brussels."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Brussels event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

29 April & 30 April  |  London, UK  |  Elmwood Tennis Club 

768 london

The United Kingdom has been perhaps the most demonstrative ally of the United States in creating post-9/11 anti-terror initiatives. The obvious historical linkages between the two nations and their currently intertwined economic interests have accelerated the adoption and utilization of spy technologies by these two countries' government agencies and acquiescing media giants.

For a growing number of UK citizens, the only hope of unraveling the overreaching government surveillance programs is to dispel the myths about 9/11 — starting with a fair and comprehensive analysis of how the three towers fell. That's the subject taken on by British playwright Peter Neathey, author, director, and producer of Seven Seconds. The April 29 and 30 back-to-back performances of this enlightening play, which has been running to deeply-moved audiences for more than a year, will star AE911Truth's own Richard Gage.

Neathey, who in his playwriting uses the pen name "Retep Yehtaen" (he figures his own name spelled backwards complements the "back-to-front" official story of 9/11), focuses his  Seven Seconds on two issues — the failure of the British press to inform the public of the truth of 9/11 and AE911Truth's scientific exposé of World Trade Center 7's collapse.

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Seven Seconds play either night in London, check shortly before the scheduled days. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

1 May  |  Canterbury, UK  |  Old Sessions House, Canterbury Christ Church University

768 Canterbury Christ Church University

Gage stonehenge 300At Canterbury University, AE911Truth was invited to a debate forum, but a worthy opponent has not come forward. Instead, says local event coordinator Peter Drew, there will probably be "one or two of their politics staff [on hand] to briefly discuss the global political context and outcomes of 9/11, followed by presentations by Gage and Matt Campbell, whose brother died in the North Tower. They may also be joined by local resident and 9/11 truth activist Ken O’Keefe. There will also be time allotted for open panel discussion with students.

On a visit to the English countryside in 2011, Gage discovered that the deepest mysteries of Stonehenge are still shrouded in history. To ensure the full truth of 9/11 will not remain similarly concealed, he will be exposing many hidden facts to the light of day for open-minded citizens who attend the Canterbury event on May 1.  

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Canterbury event, check shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

2 May  |  Paris, France  |  Auberge de jeunesse d’Artagnan


768 Paris

In 2011, only 31% of French citizens believed the official story of 9/11. Put another way, more than two-thirds of the population in France did not buy the party line, according to that survey. Such a healthy percentage of 9/11 skeptics, which might be even higher now, prompted the Europe Tour local event coordinator to remark, "If we want to find the truth, then we need to open the debate. We will certainly learn about 9/11, but also perhaps about the current state of our democracies and why they are not working as they should." 

When Paris hosts the AE911Truth presentation for the second time, a French-English translator will provide a live consecutive translation.

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Paris event, click this link shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

5 May  |  Grenoble, France  |  Maison du Tourisme Grenoble 

768 Grenoble France

Besides its reputation as a picturesque town at the foot of the French Alps, Grenoble is also known for the fine art of glove-making. When he stops there, Gage will reveal to this community in eastern France that the glove of the forensic evidence at the WTC does not fit the hand of either the official story by NIST or the conclusions of the 9/11 Commission. Can residents of Grenoble respond to the need of the hour and light a fire to awaken their fellow countrymen to the specific threats of the post-9/11 world?

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Grenoble event, click this link or shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

6 May  |  Lausanne, Switzerland  |  Av. Villamont 13

768 Lausanne

The Lausanne event coordinator crystallizes the current state of affairs this way: "The majority of inhabitants know something is wrong with the official version of the events of 9/11. It's important for people to be informed by real experts. Western countries' systems of democracy and mainstream media have malfunctioned. Only the truth, painful as it is, can correct our course. And AE911Truth may hold the key. That's why we need them here in Switzerland."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend the Lausanne event, click this link shortly before the scheduled day. Questions? Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

9 May  |  Rome, Italy  |  Associazione Amici della Puglia

768 Associazione Amici della Puglia

AE911Truth has not yet given a live presentation in Italy. When asked about the opportunity, Gage responded, "I'm looking forward to meeting the thinkers of Rome and setting the 9/11 record straight." Indeed, he will have some quality help — namely, honorary President of the Italian Supreme Court Ferdinando Imposimato, member of the European Parliament, journalist, and filmmaker Giulietto Chiesa, who produced the documentary Zero, and filmmaker Massimo Mazzucco, who produced the documentary September 11: The New Pearl Harbor.

Rome 300

Gage is relying on word-of-mouth efforts that dozens of local activists are making throughout Rome — efforts that include postering, flyering, emailing, and talking — and expects a packed house at the Associazione Amici della Puglia.

"Who knows, next year we might fill the historic Roman Coliseum," Gage says hopefully. "Many of us have already been fed to the lions of the mainstream media, and we've survived."

Local event coordinator Adam Buckley says of the prospective enthusiastic audience at the Rome presentation: "Many Italo-Americans perished on 9/11. Italian people need to know the truth. Many people know there is much more than what meets the eye."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend and/or have questions about the Rome event, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

11 May  |  Vienna, Austria  |   JUFA Vienna City

768 Vienna

Post-9/11 Europe has seen a significant buildup in momentum with regard to encroachment on privacy. Governments have been caught spying, NSA style, on the communications of politicians, industrialists, and financial players, as well as on conversations between private citizens. Vienna, with its more than 7,000 undercover agents, was recently named a global spy hub.

It's no wonder that 9/11 Truth local activists are counting on AE911Truth's second appearance in Vienna to help turn around this discouraging trend, which is obviously a direct result of 9/11. If even a small percentage of its citizens become aware of and energized by the truth about 9/11, Austria could throw off every police-state law enacted since 2001.

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend and/or have questions about the Vienna event, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

12 May  |  Budapest, Hungary  |  Brody Studios

768 Budapest

Eastern Europe is frontier territory for AE911Truth. It's unclear whether Hungarians, who once lived behind the Iron Curtain, know about 9/11. What is clear is that, like other Europeans, their daily lives are not isolated from the effects of 9/11.

Encouragingly, a burgeoning cultural scene has emerged in Budapest, where the exchange of ideas is welcome. What better place to present the truth about 9/11 than the eclectic Brody Studios, whose owners' innovative and frugal approach to refurbishment has resulted in this arts club/events space becoming a world-renowned cultural landmark.

The local event coordinator emphasizes the importance of Hungary as a crossroads of commerce and communication between Eastern and Western Europe. "Since you will be just a couple of hours from Budapest," he told Gage, "you have to come here to Hungary. This world needs truth, too."

Date, time, and venue of all presentations are subject to last-minute change, so if you plan to attend and/or have questions about the Budapest event, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

The 2015 European Tour evolved from a single invitation to Gage to spend a few days in the UK into more than a month of touring 10 countries and making 20 presentations — a grueling trip even for Gage, who survived a 33-city world premiere tour of the 9/11: Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out documentary film in 2012 and a 17-city journey across Canada in 2014. (The latter trip was an extension of AE911Truth's 2012 outreach campaign ReThink911 – The Evidence Might Surprise You.)

There is only one way to move with the 9/11 Truth evidence — and that way is forward. There is no other choice. Freedom throughout the world depends on it. Our Europe Tour may well be the fire that lights the world with 9/11 Truth. We'll keep you updated on the tour via Facebook, Twitter, and our website. And we look forward to seeing many of you on the road over the next few weeks!

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AE911Truth’s Scientific Integrity Act would force government reports to be true

How many Americans realize that their own government is allowed to publish scientific reports that are false? And how many know that this is the case even with scientific data that the government knows to be false.

As engineers, we have a legal responsibility to guard the public’s safety.

We are a small non-profit taking on a tremendous issue, and we need your support to help fund these efforts.

If you believe in the power of dedicated people and their ability to change the world, then please make a donation right now!

Thank you so much for your continued support and your willingness to stand with us! 



From Architects & Engineers for 9/11Truth and filmmaker, Dylan Avery comes this short documentary that is both hauntingly beautiful in its presentation and startlingly grim in its revelations. 

Join civil engineer, Jonathan Cole through an informational odyssey as he revisits the controversy surrounding the impossible destruction of towers 1, 2 and 7 on September 11th 2001, and how his research, along with the research of others, has pulled the rug out from under the conclusions offered by the federal government on why those three buildings ultimately failed. 

Through Cole's testimony, and that of mechanical engineer, Tony Szamboti, a dark picture comes into focus that demonstrates that not only is the official story of what killed so many people on America's darkest day provably false but that the federal government actively and willfully turned a blind eye to the observable facts during its unscientific investigation of the building collapses. 

In a little over twenty minutes, Thirty Seconds of Silence reveals more about the destruction of the three World Trade Center towers on 9/11 than the media has revealed to the public in the over twenty years since the event took place.